About Us

Bayside SNS is a mixed, senior school catering for pupils from 3rd to 6th class.
There are 16 mainstream classes and school opens at 9am and closes at 2.40pm each day.
Our school was established in 1976 and is a denominational school under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. We celebrated our 40th anniversary in 2016.
The ethos of our school reflects the living Faith of pupils and staff and is characterised by a caring interactive relationship between teachers and pupils.
Our aim is to continue to foster the intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual growth of all the children.
Our approach is holistic, offering a wide variety of learning opportunities and emphasising the inter connectedness of knowledge.
Our school takes account of individual difference and the diversity of children’s circumstances and experiences.
We welcome the active involvement of parents through PABS in a climate of openness and trust.
We aspire to keeping our school a vibrant part of Bayside Community.
Our hope is that at the end of four years the pupils will have reached a stage in their academic attainment and social, emotional and spiritual growth to make an enthusiastic and smooth transition to second level education.
Our school motto, which embodies our values is ‘Cois Bá - Cairdeas, Cumasú & Creideamh’
which means ‘Bayside - Friendship, Empowerment & Belief’
Our principal Janet Lynch is a past pupil of the school and several of our teachers are also past pupils!
Our school uniform consists of a grey cardigan or jumper, a red polo shirt and grey trousers/skirt/pinafore.
This uniform is generic and can be bought anywhere.
On PE days there is a school tracksuit available from Lynch's of Marino. Alternatively, pupils may wear any plain grey tracksuit and red polo t-shirt. No logos or branded sportswear please.
Our lovely school crest was designed in the 2018/2019 school year by pupils Eva Fogarty, Caoimhe Heeney & Niamh Heeney. Past pupil Emma Duffy, who is now a graphic designer, brought the pupil designs to life.
The most recent whole school evaluation of our school is linked here on the Department of Education website: WSE Report 2024
Scoil Mhuire agus Iosef, Sinsear, Cois Bá. Bayside Senior National School, Verbena Avenue, Dublin 13, Ireland | Phone 01 839 3682 Roll Number 19533Q