Primary Curriculum Leaflet
As you may be aware, the primary curriculum is changing and will continue to change over the coming years. The new primary curriculum recognises the key role parents and guardians play in their child’s education and promotes a partnership approach which will encourage increased communication between schools and parents/guardians.
The Department of Education deems it essential that parents/guardians are made aware of the changes to the curriculum that have taken place to date and what will be happening over the years to come. In this regard the Department, in collaboration with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) and the Professional Development for Teachers (PDST), has developed a leaflet which is designed to introduce these changes and encourage parent/guardians to engage in the future consultations seeking feedback on the draft curriculum areas and subjects of the new curriculum.
Attached is the double sided leaflet which all schools have been asked to share with the parents and guardians in their school community. In recognition of the diversity in our schools the leaflet is available in the following languages:
· English
· Gaeilge
· Polish
· Lithuanian
· Ukrainian
· Russian
· Latvian
· Portuguese
· Romanian
· Mandarin Chinese
· Irish Sign Language
All versions of the leaflet can be found at - New Primary Curriculum Framework ( and we would encourage you to choose the language version most suitable in your context.
The Department will continue to engage with all education stakeholders over the coming months to communicate about the new curriculum.

Scoil Mhuire agus Iosef, Sinsear, Cois Bá. Bayside Senior National School, Verbena Avenue, Dublin 13, Ireland | Phone 01 839 3682 Roll Number 19533Q